At Riverview Animal Health Centre, we always say age is just a number! As your pet enters this phase of their life, they may have additional needs that we can help with. Annual bloodwork to monitor your cats internal organ function and other routine testing can help ensure your cat lives a long and happy life.
What are the stages of a senior cat’s life? How to spot signs of ageing?
There are three stages of life in an older cat. These stages are mature (7-10 years), senior (11-14 years), and geriatric (15+ years). You can spot signs of ageing in your cat by their calorie intake (eating less), skin and coat changes, and decreased mobility.
My senior cat is losing weight, what can I do?
If your senior cat is losing weight or not eating, we would recommend to call your veterinarian and book an appointment for a health exam. Cats are very good at hiding disease and may have some health concerns if you are noticing weight loss.
How can I care for my senior cat?
Senior cat care starts with annual health exams. At Riverview Animal Hospital, we are here to help as your pet ages. Call us anytime day or night and we can get your senior cat’s health care started.
What are some common health issues?
Some of the most common health issues in senior cats are dental disease, kidney disease, hyperthyroid disease and arthritis.
Why is my senior cat having behavioural issues?
As cats age, you may notice behavioural issues. Some illnesses can cause senior cats to have behavioural changes because they are uncomfortable. Your cat veterinarian can help to determine the cause of certain behavioural changes, call anytime to make an appointment.