Many of you may know our clinic cats and their stories. Today, I’d like to share a bit more of what one of them is currently going through.
Miss Tippy, or Tippy I Lean, came to our clinic back in 2008. She came to us due to receiving an injury from a horse kicking her. This injury has left her with a permanent head tilt, and she occasionally gets seizures. This has not stopped her from living a full, relaxing life in-clinic, where she gets lots of love and treats from staff and clients alike.
However, a few weeks ago a staff member noticed that she was starting to vomit large amounts, so she became a patient and had to get some testing done. Through a full physical exam and blood work, it became apparent that our beautiful Tippy has hyperthyroidism. This occurs in many older cats, from a non-cancerous growth forming on the thyroid glands, which then causes the body to release more thyroid hormones. This can cause damage to the body and does need to be treated as it’s a lifelong condition. Good thing for Tippy that she lives in the one clinic in New Brunswick that does Radioiodine therapy! This means that Tippy doesn’t have to get pills every day, which I’m sure she would hate. Instead, she will receive a small injection under the skin of radioactive iodine; then she will remain in a special, isolated room until she is no longer expelling radioactive waste from her body. Then it’s back to life as usual for her!
So if you come in and you notice she isn’t in her usual spots this next week, she’s busy getting some much-needed treatment. But don’t worry! She’ll be back soon!
Written by Emily Giesbrecht, RVT