
Dog Anal Gland Expression

Dogs have glands in their anus that naturally express when they have a bowel movement. This lubricates the area and also gives off your dog’s distinct scent. That is why dogs love to sniff each other’s bums so much! Sometimes dogs are unable to express these glands on their own, causing the fluid inside of them to build up and become very full and uncomfortable, so they need to be manually expressed on a regular basis. If left unexpressed for too long, they can become infected and abscess. The main sign of anal gland issues is scooting or licking at their bum.

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Should I drain my dog’s anal glands at home?

It is not recommended to express your dog’s anal glands at home unless otherwise advised by a veterinarian.

If my dog scoots on the carpet a lot, does this mean their anal glands are impacted?

While scooting is the most common sign of anal glands needing to be expressed, it can also be a symptom of various other problems. If you notice your dog scooting, it is best to get them examined by a veterinarian to determine the exact cause.

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