Blog: General

Daisies under a rainbow

Saying Goodbye to Your Pet by Jenna B., RVT

Unfortunately, at some point, we all have to go through the loss of a beloved pet.  For most pet owners, their animal is part of their family and it’s a very difficult thing to go through when you are faced with the decision to possibly euthanize. A lot of owners...

Kitten sitting on a blanket

Tips for First Time Kitten Owners from Riverview Animal Hospital

Cats are lovely companions that can be with you for quite a few years. Some cats live up to the age of 20 years old! If you are considering getting a kitten, there are some things you should know: Take into consideration your lifestyle. Cats are independent by nature but...

Dog lying in leaves

Brushing your dog’s teeth

Teaching your dog to accept brushing will take some training, but will be very beneficial...