
Dog holding a toothbrush in its mouth

February and March is Dental Season at Riverview Animal Hospital!

Welcome to our Dental Health months at Riverview Animal Hospital!  Have you been keeping an eye on Fluffy’s pearly white’s or maybe not so pearly white’s? That’s ok, there’s lots that we can do to help you keep Fluffy’s teeth and gums clean. It is important to make sure our...

Angry cat getting its teeth brushed

Brushing your Pet's Teeth by Jenna

A lot of clients think brushing their pet’s teeth is a bigger chore than what it really is.  Some clients use a “human teeth hygiene” way of thinking when it comes to their pet’s mouth, and although some techniques are the same, it’s a bit different.  Here are some easy steps to...

Dog wearing glasses and a tie and sitting at an office desk

The Benefits of Bringing Your Pet to Work

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to bring your pet to work? It seems that these days some companies and employers are allowing employees to bring their pets to work with them. They are finding the positives outweigh the negative. If you own a cat or dog...

Two veterinarians smiling and holding a dog

What’s a Vet Tech?

I, like some of my colleagues, have been asked multiple questions by clients and friends that don’t quite know or understand what a veterinary technician or a “vet tech”, for short, is.  I often get questions like: Are you studying to be a veterinarian? What does a veterinary technician do? Are...